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New Business Guide

Thinking of starting a business in Eatonton, Georgia?

Great decision! Eatonton is a town of approximately 6500 residents with
a quaint, historic downtown area.

This page will provide you with step by step instructions on how to set up
your business in Eatonton. As well as legal requirements, we have
provided data on incentives and organizations that will help
you to be successful.

NOTE: All forms are available at City Hall or you can access
them via the steps below.

Download Form E1, Application for Occupation Tax Certificate and fill in the required data.
*In order to fill in this form, you will need the following information handy:

  • Sales Tax ID (from your state registration, if required)

  • NAICS codes (which define your type of business).

  • Use to find NAICS codes.

  • If you are in the downtown business district ( see DB Map) read the “allowed by right” list. If your type of business is not on the list, you will need to obtain a conditional use permit. This permit is obtained from the county Planning and Development.

  • State Board or Licensing permit if needed

  • See State Boards and Licensed Professions for a list of professions that require state licensing.

You are required to read and understand the City of Eatonton Code of Ordinance, Chapter 18, Section 18.39 to sign Form E1.

Download Form E2, Private Employer and Public Benefit Affidavit.

This form is required by Federal and State Law to ensure legal residence in the United States and to mandate that you are part of the E-Verify system if you have more than 10 employees.

In order to submit this form, you will need a copy of your driver’s license or another document as defined by law (see list of Secure and Verifiable Documents). If you have more than 10 employees, you will need an E-Verify number.

This form also requires a stamp from a Notary Public. You can obtain this stamp from City Hall, your local bank, the Chamber of Commerce or the local library.

Submit a check or money order to The City of Eatonton for the tax fee plus a $30.00 administrative fee. Most retail occupations are charged a total of $80 per annum (occupation tax plus administrative fee). Exceptions are listed in the Occupation Tax Document with relevant amounts. If you also require alcohol sales, see section on Alcohol License.

Mail or personally deliver the following to City Hall (it is strongly recommended that you deliver the following in person to City Hall to ensure that everything is correct):

  • Completed Form E1

  • Completed Form E2

  • State Permits as required ( for special licensing)

  • Building Inspection if required. Need if property vacant more than 180 days.

  • Health Permit if required. For food services only.

  • Conditional Use permit if required (if not on “allowed as matter of right list”). This only applies to businesses in the downtown business district
    (DBD map)

  • A Check for amount specified in Occupation Tax Fee list.

  • Copy of driver’s license ( back and front) and other legal residency document, if required.


Further Business Assistance:

Eatonton-Putnam Chamber of Commerce
Putnam Development Authority
Small Business Development Center

City of Eatonton
Eatonton-Putnam Water and Sewer Authority
Georgia Power
Tri-County EMC

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